『設定資料集 トゥームレイダー TOMB RAIDER THE ART OF SURVIVAL』はセカイモンで1c34afb74から出品され、84の入札を集めて02月10日 16時 28分に、6900円で落札されました。即決価格は6900円でした。決済方法はに対応。神奈川県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
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・Tomb Raider: The Art of Survival (英語) ペーパーバック
This compelling, high-quality Art Book celebrates the dynamic art style seen in the popular reimagining of the iconic Tomb Raider series. With its stunning visuals and in-depth commentary, this beautiful art book is a must have for fans and collectors alike.
Explore this unique and dangerous world with hundreds of images, including a close look at the environments and enemies.
Follow the development of Lara Croft and other favorite characters from beginning concept sketches to finished renders.
Includes extensive commentary by the creative director, artists, developers, and others who worked to create this visually stunning game.
Stunning images printed on high-quality paper make this book a must have for any collector or fan of the series.
About the Game:
Tomb Raider is the eagerly anticipated relaunch of the extremely popular Tomb Raider Series. Known for its iconic character, Lara Croft, as well as its engaging and challenging environments, it is certain to be a hit with gamers of all types. This stunning art book is designed to give those fans just want they want a closer look at this one-of-a-kind world.
BradyGames, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the world’s leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. BradyGames understands what gamers―both casual and hardcore―want and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategy. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at primagames.com.
レターパックライト 送料360円を予定しております。